| November 1995 David Lowe, along with Barry McConnell, Director of Computer Training for Florida State University, started the first webmaster certification program in the country at Florida State University. |
 | May 6th, 1996 David became the first certified webmaster in the world. |
 | July 1996 WebYoda was established with one purpose in mind: to train aspiring webmasters to build visually appealing websites that load quickly, navigate easily, and that are accessibility-friendly. |
 | November 1996 WebYoda developed first generation webmaster courses that were used to set up the first University Webmaster Certification program in the country at Florida State University. |
 | October 1997 WebYoda went online providing web professional training materials and certification. This was the first nationally recognized webmaster certification available to aspiring web professionals and is still setting the standard today. |
 | March 9, 1998 WebYoda awarded the first WebYoda certification. |
 | June 1998 The second generation of webmaster courses were developed, which were distributed to training centers nationally and as far away as Jakarta, Indonesia. |
 | January 8, 1999 WebYoda was incorporate as WebYoda, Inc. |
 | February 1999 WebYoda started WebmasterCertification.com, the first website to offer online web professional training, assessment, and certification. |
 | July 2000 WebYoda became a World Organization of Webmasters Education Alliance partner and worked closely with the World Organization of Webmasters to define the webmaster certification standard. |
 | January 2003 WebYoda began construction on WOW Academy, WebYoda's Online Webmaster (WOW) academy, with the goal of providing a turn-key solution for K-12 schools and colleges looking to provide webmaster certification options for their students. |
 | January 2004 WebYoda deployed the first WOW Academy at Central Carolina Community College in North Carolina. |
 | March of 2004 WOWacademy.com went live to provide training, assessment, and certification for online students looking to get webmaster certified. |
 | May 2005 WOW Academy and WebmasterCertification.com merged to be the first website to offer online and in classroom web professional training, assessment, and certification. |
 | January 2006 WOW Academy deployed its third generation of webmaster courses and added three webmaster assessment exams. |
 | March 2007 WOW Academy became webmaster certification neutral to meet the needs of all aspiring webmasters and training centers. |
 | July 2008 WOW Academy renewed its partnership with Honolulu Community College to offer online webmaster training courses. |
 | December 2010 WOW Academy founder, David Lowe, visits Turkey and Egypt to donate webmaster training course materials. |
 | June 2011 WOW Academy offers free webmaster training course materials to inner city schools in the School District of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. |
 | January 2012 WOW Academy expands market with the addition of a UK division at WebmasterCertification.co.uk. |
 | December 2013 WebYoda and WOW Academy got approved for tuition reimbursement through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). |
 | February 2014 WOW Academy released new version of WOWacademy.com. The new version is designed to be more online student-centric and easier to use. |
 | April 2015 WOW Academy decentralized the exam proctoring system to allow for the proctoring of WebYoda exams from any preapproved proctor at any location in the world. |
 | January 2016 At the request of previous online students, we now offer a course premium upgrade add-on which provides course assistance from one of our certified web professional instructors. |
 | March 2017 In a partnership with WebDesignTrainingSchool.com, WOW Academy now offers a free WordPress course with the purchase of any WOW Academy course purchase. |